All data associated with a specific animal.
Definition: The animal’s current reproductive status (Altered, Unaltered or Unknown).
Definition: The animal’s reproductive status at the time of intake (Altered, Unaltered or Unknown).
Definition: An internally generated number that is unique to each animal currently or previously in an organization’s custody
Considerations: The number will be unique to animals currently and previously in the organization’s custody. Duplicate animal IDs in an organization’s intake/outcome report indicate multiple intake/outcome events for the same animal.
Definition: The animal’s primary breed.
Consideration: The breed is typically determined by the physical appearance of the animal and is not 100% accurate.
Definition: The animal’s secondary breed (if applicable)
Consideration: The breed is typically determined by the physical appearance of the animal and is not 100% accurate.
Definition: The animal’s primary color.
Definition: The animal’s secondary color.
Definition: The corresponding markings or patterns of the animal’s coloring
Definition: The month, day and year an animal is reported to or is estimated to have been born.
Considerations: For stray animals without any identification the Date of Birth will be estimated using the animal’s physical condition and other diagnostic tests.
Definition: The full address of the location where an animal with the intake type “Stray” was found by a member of the public or animal services
Considerations: If an animal is found in a location with no exact address (e.g. a park or highway an approximate location is reported).
Definition: The zip code associated with the “Found Address” for an animal with a stray intake type.
Considerations: The zip code helps differentiate between identical addresses in the service area.
Definition: The animal’s reported or estimated age at the time of intake measured in the unit days.
Definition: The animal’s age associated age group at the time of intake.
Definition: “This method assigns each animal, upon admission, a conditions status of either “healthy,” “treatable” or “unhealthy/untreatable.”
Definition: The day, month and year when the animal came into the custody of the organization.
Definition: The reported reason why the animal is in the custody of the organization
Definition: The secondary and more specific description of why the animal is in the custody of the organization.
Definition: The primary and most general description of why the animal is in the custody of the organization (i.e. Stray – At Large, Owner Relinquished, Transferred In, Seized, Owner Intended Euthanasia (In) or Born in Care)
Definition: The corresponding zip code to the address associated with any intake type
Definition: The date when a microchip was implanted in the animal.
Definition: The number associated with an implanted microchip ID. The microchip number is unique to every animal. The length and character content of the number is unique to each microchip company.
Definition: Indicates whether an animal was microchipped prior to intake
Definition: The date when the animal left the custody of the organization.
Definition: The reported reason why the animal is no longer in the custody of the organization
Definition: The secondary and more specific description of why the animal is no longer in the custody of the organization.
Definition: The primary and most general description of why the animal is no longer in the custody of the organization.
Definition: The corresponding zip code to the address associated with any outcome type
Definition: The sex of the animal
Definition: The animal’s approximate size classification if they have reached adulthood or the estimate of their size once they reach adulthood.
Considerations: Size is typically used to describe varying sizes of dogs e.g. large, medium and small breed dogs. Companion cats are typically considered to be in the small size range.
Definition: The animal’s approximate size classification if they have reached adulthood or the estimate of their size once they reach adulthood recorded at intake.
Definition: The species of the animal.
Definition: The status of the animal at the time data is reported
Definition: The most recently recorded weight of the animal.
Considerations: The unit at which the animal’s weight is being measured will differ based on the animal’s age and size. For example, a young neonatal kitten’s weight will likely be measured in oz until they reach a high enough weight to use lbs.
Definition: The weight of the animal recorded at the time of intake.
Definition: The unit at which the animal’s weight is measured.
Considerations: The unit at which the animal’s weight is being measured will differ based on the animal’s age and size. For example, a young neonatal kitten’s weight will likely be measured in oz until they reach a high enough weight to use lbs.