Request the Data

Request the Data

The Shelter Animals Count dataset is available for a fee to individuals and institutions for research, reporting, or academic purposes, or internal, non-commercial use.

To get started, please carefully read the Data Use Policy to understand eligibility for data access before submitting your request, then choose your request type from the options below. You will be asked to complete a form sharing how you will use the data and who will have access to it.

Fees support our mission and help make this data available.
Dog behind held

Organizations and Individuals


To receive data, you must agree to the Data Use Policy & Agreement. Submit request to receive custom cost quote.

Horses and cat

Free Data Download


This free download contains state-level reporting from over 1,200 animal welfare organizations located in the United States. Students, animal advocates, and data enthusiasts can use this dataset to discover national trends and learn about the animal data we collect.

The data included is a sample of organizations that have submitted data and trends may not align with the reported National totals and trends. 
Girl and Bunny

SAC Members


As a contributing member of the National Database, your organization can request the complete dataset once a year for internal use at no cost. To get started, please carefully read the Data Use Agreement and review the Member Requirements to understand eligibility and responsibility for data access before submitting your request.